The Eye is the Lamp of the Body
We provide free eye care and glasses to homeless and impoverished individuals in order to open the eyes of the heart to the grace and kindness of Jesus Christ.
The Matthew 6:22 Foundation is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt not-for-profit that was established in 2021 by Dr. Russ Beach. The purpose of the organization is to provide free eye exams, glasses, and medical eye care services to local homeless and underserved individuals as a way to demonstrate the grace and kindness of Jesus Christ.
Currently, The Matthew 6:22 Foundation provides the following free eye care services:
- Comprehensive, routine eye examinations
- Medical diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease, including glaucoma
- Free basic glasses
While the long-term aim of the Matthew 6:22 Foundation is to secure a permanent, stand-alone office to provide care, we continue to provide care at Coastal Vision, local homeless support centers, and in partnership with our friends at Homeland Disciples who inspired us to create this foundation.